The calendar below will show any scheduled dates and times that are already reserved.
Click on the "+" to see the agenda view, the calendar view, or the instructions on how to schedule time.
To view Conference Room equipment instructions - view the sections below the calendar shown below.
For Scheduling Instructions - Click +
To schedule time on The Gordon Building Conference Room Calendar - scroll down to the section below the calendar and agenda and click on the "Schedule a 60 Minute Conference Room Meeting" and then choose the date and time you require. If you require more than one hour, repeat the same steps again to book the amount of time needed.
Once you have chosen your date and time, click "Confirm" then fill out your contact details. You will need to enter your name (or the name of your company or group), and your email (you can also enter any persons emails who will be joining the meeting and everyone will get a reminder).
Other notes:
The person who confirms the meeting (and receives a confirmation email) can cancel the meeting from the same confirmation email. In that email, look for "Need to make changes to this event? Cancel:" and click on the link to cancel.
If a meeting has been cancelled, anyone can reschedule the same date and time, via the steps mentioned above.
Please note that our conference room is a shared facility, so please be conscious of our other members if booking multiple hours. If you need the conference room for an extended period (more than 3 hours), please contact us so we may see if we can accommodate your request.
The Gordon Building Conference Room - Calendar View
The Gordon Building Conference Room - Agenda View
The Gordon Building
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